About Us
Vision Statement: To ensure that individuals' rights are the most significant in the provision of care.
Heritage Nanny Community Living and Support (HNCLAS) is a small, community-based residential setting designed to provide skilled professional care for youths and adults who require assistance with managing behavioral healthcare, such as complex behavioral challenges and personal care. It is a home-like setting, and individuals can enjoy an environment that offers many opportunities for social interaction geared toward providing comfort and privacy in addition to maximizing independence.
HNCAS is focused on increasing the quality of life for youths, and adults with brain injuries, disabilities, and complex medical needs through individual choice, dignity, and rights. We play a central role in the best service delivery approach for the vulnerable and disadvantaged in our community.
HNCLAS is a unique 4-bedroom residential home with a large dining area, an activity room, a living room, and an outside patio. Internet is available throughout the home. The family room is equipped with a resident telephone available 24 hours a day. This room is also available for private visits, virtual meetings, and small gatherings.
Hot meals are cooked on-site, and snacks are provided around the clock. Mental Health Support Workers are available and involved every day and are present on-site 24/7. We are accredited by the Canadian Accreditation Council (CAC). Please refer to the link below for our accreditation information:
Our unique Home features:
Private individual rooms furnished with a bed, chair, laundry basket, garbage can, dresser, and personal storage closet.
24-hour Mental Health Support Workers
On-site Behavioural Therapist, Cultural Resource Coordinator, and on-call support 24 hours
Individual and group therapy, 3-5 times weekly
Meal service three (3) times daily. Meals and snacks will be prepared in accordance with recommendations from either the Canada’s Food Guide and/or Canada’s Food Guide for First Nations, Inuit and Indigenous (Eating balanced meals)
Activities, games, and crafts
Person-centered care based on individual needs and preferences
Visiting medical providers. Supporting our individuals with appointments, education, recreation, and community-based activities.
Psychiatrist, Psychologist & Counselling​

Vision Statement
To ensure that individuals' rights are the most significant in the provision of care.
Mission Statement
To improve the quality of life for youths, and adults with developmental disabilities. We provide a high-quality service for individuals requiring assisted living in a home-like atmosphere while integrating with the community.
Our Philosophy
Our philosophy of compassion, dignity, choice, commitment, and independence are reflected in the quality-of-care Heritage Nanny Community Living and Support Inc. executes. We support individuals in accessing community resources needed to enhance their lifestyles and quality of life. We believe every individual has the right to live, work, and participate in the community of their choice. Individuals are entitled to a high quality of life supported by caring, nurturing people who help to enhance their potential in all they do. We encourage them to become involved in planning every aspect of their lives. We also recognize that by supporting our staff, we strengthen the services we give to the individuals.